Training and Its Impact on Employee Self Development


  • R.Hemamalini Associate Professor Dept of MBA KSR college of Technology Tiruchengode.



Training analysis process, Employee Self Development, Impact on Employee


Training analysis process is a series of activities conducted to identify problems or other issues in the workplace, and to determine whether training is an appropriate response. The analysis is usually the first step taken to cause a change. This is mainly done specifically to define the gap between the current and the desired individual and organizational performances. Generally training is carried out for the various purposes such as performance problem, anticipating new system, task or technology and also for self development. In all three situations, the starting point is a desire to effect a change. Given this, you must know how the people who will experience change perceive it. In the absence of a training analysis, we may find employees resistant to change and reluctant to training. They may be unable to transfer their newly acquired skills to their jobs because of the organizational constraints. This paper helps us to identify the effectiveness of training through self development analysis. From the analysis it could be inferred that the opportunity for self development has the highest mean score value of 1.5040 and the next highest value is opportunity for learning with mean score value of 1.6240 which shows that a good opportunity for self development and learning for employees by training.

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How to Cite

Hemamalini, R. (2011). Training and Its Impact on Employee Self Development. Prabhandan - Journal of Business Administration, 1(2), 58–63.